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A Step of Faith By: Jeannette Kelley

Writer's picture: Mary FarmerMary Farmer


As I started my journey into the unknown of “Find where God is working and join Him” I prayed and ask God to show me where “HE” wanted me to serve.  I have a passion and an interest in the Native American people and their culture, but I was striving to be “In the will of God”.

I had been doing Mission work on the Reservations of Montana for a few years, and doing Rodeo and Bible Camps with fellow missionaries from several different Cowboy Churches from Texas and Louisiana

I loved these camps but felt like there needed to be so much more and prayed that God would send us a place to adopt and serve.  

In 2022 I approached a Lady I was serving with at the Rodeo and Bible Camp in Wyola, MT.  She seemed to have connections and know the local people and their struggles.  I started asking her about possibly doing a Women’s Conference in conjunction with the Rodeo and Bible Camp for the summer of 2023.  We got back to Texas and started working on the possibilities of putting this together.  

We got together to implement a plan and the other ladies were planning on going to Wyola for an Easter presentation and ask if I would be interested in going.  Well, I prayed a quick prayer, “God is this what you are leading me too?” and I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me and urge me to step out and do this.  

I went to work the next day and my boss called me into his office, he told me that we were getting a bonus from work in the next couple of weeks.  The bonus just happened to be enough to be able to pay for all the gas required to go on this trip.  (God Provides).    

The next step was when a lady that we served with from a completely different town and church said she would like to go and she already had a presentation for the Stations of the Cross, Jesus’ birth to his Death and Resurrection that she wanted to do for the kids.  

So, with the team in place, we started planning.  Now keep in mind that I only knew these women from a few conversations at a Camp in Montana and 1 of them I didn’t know at all, and I committed to a 2000-mile round trip trapped in a SUV loaded so heavy there was barely room for us missionaries.  (I am not exaggerating this at all.)

So a wish list from Amazon was published for people to donate Easter candy, eggs and prizes, Some of the props for the Stations of the cross were purchased Bingo night with prizes and fun events were also on the wish list.  These items were shipped to a friend and contact in Wyola for safe keeping till we arrived; we also were staying with this person in an RV at her home in Wyola.  We were set and then a week before we were set to leave, we got a group text that the woman who was the contact for this whole event said she didn’t want us to come and that she had given everything away.

We were devastated and in a state of shear disbelief.  God had called us to this but what now…… We unanimously agreed that we felt God was telling us to go.  So, we put out a message of what happened, and the blessing started rolling in.  We left for Montana on faith that God would provide, and he showed up in a mighty way.

As one obstacle would present itself, God replaced it with something even better.  For example, one huge obstacle was a place to stay when we got there for 4 days while we were ministering to the people.  The original plan was we were to stay in the camper trailer that was parked at the house of the personwho had given all our supplies away so that was no longer an option.   God provided an Air BNB just down the road from Wyola.  The people that owned the Air BNB were family members of missionaries that had helped with the Rodeo andBible Camp that summer in Wyola.  We stayed there free of charge and made some new friends as well.  They were a huge help the time we spent there.  

The Love, Laughter, Tears, frustration and Blessings the 4 of us shared on that trip was nothing short of phenomenal.  I could write a book on the miracles that the hand of God was displaying right before our eyes.  Not just on the Reservation but the people that we crossed paths with from Texas to Montana and back to Texas.  

Folks I want to encourage you to step out in faith when you feel the Holy Spirit telling you to do something.  This was such a faith builder for me, and I know I needed it for the days to come.  

We were stripped of all our resources.  We had many obstacles to overcome, we just kept moving forward and God providedmore and more abundantly than we had even planned for.  

Take that step of faith when you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at you.  God will provide and direct your steps.  

From personal experience I can say I was in the “will of God” and it was the most awesome place I have ever been.  


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you “declares the Lord, “ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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